Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Don't Panic

Yes, the title should be familiar to those reader of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry, you'll still be able to understand. Picture this scenario: The world is coming to an end either way it goes: global warming, some meteor striking earth, loss of resources, aliens launching an attack...either way, there's no way to avoid it. So what do you do? Well you can do either of the two things: 1. Panic and run around in circles until you're just waiting to die or 2. Lay back and make the most of it. If you choose 2, then you're about to have the most fun of you're life. Go ahead and tell that jerkoff how much you hate him/her or swear at your teacher or principal as freely as you want. Who cares if you get in trouble? You're going to DIE!!! So have fun. You may want to say everything you've ever wanted to say to anyone seeing as you won't probably see them ever again. Or you might, depending on if there is an actual afterlife. But I'm not going to try and find out any time soon. And I wouldn't advise you to do it any more than I would. After awhile, the end doesn't see so bad anymore. I mean, you won't have to go on living a terrible life, if you do. If you had a great life, well so what? You had a great life. So what's the big deal? Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm right, either way, we'll find out eventually.
Lesson of the Day:

#14. Don't Panic. Make the most of your time and leave your body knowing you did the best you could.

P.S. I turn 15 tommrow so yes I'm a cheap-ass blogger for coming back on this day. Ah well, I'll try to update more than just on special occasions.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Buying consoles...

The next generation has come, according to the gaming world. Yes, all around us there are newer technology and new ways to enjoy the way we play video games. So if you have a special item on your wishlist, get ready to get the greens out of your wallet because there is are many ways to get your hand on one. Prices start to go higher as the holiday season approaches more and more yet we have only a limited budget when it comes to buying those things that we want the most. Remember: Even if you don't get your hands on a console right away, it's not the end of the world, folks. There are plenty of more opportunities to get one. First, I'd like to say that eBay is a last resort. Many times there are buyers who have paid a good amount of money for a console but the sellers wouldn't send them what they've paid for. Belive me, I would know. (Some) Game stores are valuable to fill you on the information when they would be getting a new shipment of them hence you can be prepared. Some websites track where consoles are sold and the quantity that the seller has; that is also very useful. Before you really get the opportunity to get a console, think to yourself: Do I really want this? Is this something I won't be wondering what if I had I bought another console? Be very sure or you may lose a lot of money to this decision.

The very reason for this post is that today I can annouce that I, myself, have got my hands on a Wii. I don't want to argue with any console fanboys about which console is better. I'm just making a statement for the very reason and I can proudly say that I have no regrets. Now for the Lesson of the Day:

13. Be cautious when buying a console. Take careful steps when thinking how safe is the sale or if you really desire it.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Superbad Review

So I went to a theater to see the film on Saturday (I think). Anyways, seeing as this was made by the guys who did The 40 year old Virgin and Knocked Up, I kinda expected it to be a great film. And it was. This movie was badass. It really went the whole mile when they showed some scenes that were kinda explicit even for a R-rated movie. They just put it out and show the audience thier kind of humor. This had balls and quite literally too if you go to see it. I was laughing throughout the movie and felt as if I was part of the characters. When I saw it had some teens in it and their problems, I had chills that this might be one of those movies with cheezy endings where the characters have that emo/popular/nerd esque kind of feel to it. But this had nothing to do with that. These were real unique characters who have their own different perspective on different issues. I'd say that this is one of the top movies of the year I have seen yet. I really hope to see more films from the creators. Their films haven't ceased to amuze me yet. If you get the chance, see this movie!

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Borrowing Money

You know those kind of people that always ask you to lend them some money to borrow? Pause, and think what is really happening. If this is a friend or someone you know, its ok for awhile. As long as you know where to reach them, you can nag on them to get your money back. If it is a random person you don't know, by 'borrow' they mean: "Can I have some money...for free?" Obviously, you're not going to give it to them. Saying no or telling them to F-off does seem like the best way to get rid of them. But I assure you, it is not always this way. Soon, they'll come to bother you and follow you around, nagging you to give them some money or they'll never leave you at peace. You can run, but you'll never know when you might just bump into them once again and then you'll find yourself in a pickle. I'll get to the solution to this later, but now for what to do when you borrow money. Make sure you keep track of who you borrowed money from or you might lose some respect. Be ready to have the same amount of money that you borrowed to give back when the person asks you to. Never accept checks. You'll never know if it'll bounce. Now for the Lesson of the Day:

12. If some random person asks you to borrow some money, just say "I don't have any." and don't have it out or you'll make youself look foolish. Also if you or someone borrows money and doesn't have it when they/you don't have it when you/they ask for it back, try to come with some agreement and find another way to pay back to match the value of the money owed. Ex. A person may owe $4 and may pay back with snack, game, etc.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Simpsons Movie Review

So I watched the movie the other day, and I wasn't sure what to expect. For the first 30 minutes of the film, I wasn't sure if there was a plot or not, but just went along with it. As the movie went on, I could see where this was going. Not much of a comedy film but a new story to hear about. The jokes were just about the same as the new episodes they show recently so I got a chuckle or two. It just seemed like an hour and a half long episode of the Simpsons. I won't go into detail here for those of you haven't seen the movie. If you're a fan, you might like this film. I just can't guarantee that you'll have as much fun with it as you had in the earlier seasons of the show. I'll give it some 'props' for going the extra limit on some parts of the film that I thought they wouldn't dare go near, for those people waiting for those unexpectations. Yeah, I know that sounds ironic, but that sounds just about true. It's a good film to see and enjoy. I wouldn't call it the greatest film ever made, but that is just my opinion. I was amazed just how long it took to make this film (5 years I think). Very much CGI (Computer Generated Image) and tons of voiceacting, even for those small parts in the film. Cred to Matt for going the limit there and not just slacking off like some hollywood directors would do.

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Oh and sorry for no lesson for today. Argh! Writer's block!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Teachers and the shapes and sizes they come in

They come in many shapes and sizes, differing through strictness to carefree. We may hate them, we may love them, but let's face it, we can't live without teachers. Some do provide help that educate you to a better future. Some are just plain bitchy and you wonder why they are even in the school at all. Some are real crackpots. I mean, REAL crackpots. They make students look better in the classroom. You really have no choice at this point but to put up with it. I've come to a conclusion that teachers exist in various groups, very much like animals in a zoo. I've narrowed them down to these catagories:

1. The Very NIce Teacher: They're pretty cool for awhile. Then they become too start to suspect what's up, but don't see any real problems. The only thing you should be concerned about here is not becoming friends with the teacher because that is where things get real out of hand.

2. The Life Stories Teacher: These ones will constantly moan about their lives and just bitch out their problems for most of the class period. In the end, you'll barely learn anything and will be stuck in a ditch when it comes to the tests.

3.The Dulls: They'll just lecture you on the lesson and you'll be bored to death. Sometimes I mean that literally. You might even die of starvation for fun so keep that PSP under your desk at most times. At least, you'll be able to learn something from these kind of teacher...only you'll have brains cells drip away.

4.The Bitch Teacher: These are the kinds that will give you the hardest time. You start to wonder what they have against you. Most times, it will absolutely nothing and you hate them just for that. They'll yell at you very often, and until they do that, just space out until you see their lips stop moving.

5.The Careless Teacher: I actually had one of these last school year. He didn't care much about the class and the class had practically dominated him. They motivated him into just showing movies to the class over half the time. It was painful to see these punks do it to him when he was just doing his job. You won't have to worry much about these teachers but at least try to get them to actually teach something.

6.The Crackpot Teacher: They'll come up with some of the weirdest rules. You don't mind that much, but you'll go along with it. You may even wonder how they got accepted for the teaching position. In the end, it doesn't really matter as long as you get a good grade in the class.

7. The Douche/Asshole Teacher: They are usually racist, sexist, either way you put it, it makes them an A-wipe. I know it sounds a lot like the bitch teachers, but these kinds have stepped over the line way too often that they create their own classification of teachers.

8.The Awesome Teacher: They are the best. Need I say more? They are the ones that will inspire you to do great things and achieve a better future. Alright, now I'm sounding like a freakin' spokesperson, but you get my point. You'll most of the time get the best grades in their class and learn a lot from them. Hey, you might get them a present if you want.

Well that's just about the whole classification of teachers of that I can think of as of now. I might update this post sometime when I find a whole other variety of them. Anyways, each teacher has their own way of teaching and its important to study them. Lesson of the Day:

11. Know your teachers. There's always a way to get by each and every one of them. Study them very carefully and you just might get by in their class.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Going to the Fair!

The fair is in town where I live so things are starting to liven up around here. Let me first of all say, that it was pretty gay. I'm not homophobic, don't get me wrong. I have nothing against the homosexuals. I'm not just saying it's gay because there were so many gays over there, but there were so many shirtless guys. It's very difficult to avoid them, plus I hate having to bust through a crowd full of them with their sweat touching each other's skin. Guys, this isn't rocket science! Put a damn shirt on so no one will have to see you fugly tattoos. I know it's hot outside, but everyone is on their knees pleading you to put some clothing on. Anyways, back to the fair. There isn't ever much to do there and 98% of the stuff is 10x more expensive than its original price on the local market. What's worse is that people buy up that crap. The rest of the booths has something to do with signing up for some business or selling some lame crap. The music is alright...for awhile, but then they soon start putting up that hippy crap music. That's just me personally. The rides..crap. Need I say more? The people....douche bags. Can't even go a couple of steps without stepping into a path of a careless smoker or a pack of stoners sniffing up cocaine. I suppose that if you weren't living in my area, that the fair might actually appeal to you. Maybe it's just me, knowing I'll have to try to get some sleep at night while the music is always going to be booming into my ear. There's an easier way to get through this fair and have some decent fun. Just going at night where there is fewer people, and less people smoking around. This brings me to my next: Lesson of the Day:

#10. When in a fair, be on the lookout for some free stuff. I'd hate to sound like a freeloader, but there are some cool stuff you can actually get in fairs. Do anything whether you might think is fun. That's all I really can say. Some like fairs, some don't. Go if you want, or don't go at all. If you're at a fair and feel grumpy about it, make the best of it or you might regret it later.

Now that I've posted my opinion, I'm going to go and try to win myself a turtle. A fish, maybe but it'll most likely commit suicide on me....umm..(not that I haven't been taking good care of it) riiiiggghhhtttt.... >_> <_< K.BAI.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Saving up!

You're alway going to want those precious things you've been watching on tv and through the shop windows. Then there comes the time when you think where it is just too expensive and settle for less. Pause for a minute. Think about what you are doing. Ask yourself these questions: Do I need this right away? Is there an easier way to obtain this? If you sought these questions through and still come up with the answer to just purchase a less item of value than the one you really want, then you may have made a grave mistake. There were times when I would buy things such as games that were for a lesser price than what I really wanted. Then they failed. They just turned to crap. The results: I lost a good amount of money I could've saved for those great games. Once you get the best of the best, you have that great feeling that you have such an awesome thing and that was really nothing else you could do to get anything better. You never have those feelings of regret of what would have happened if you didn't wait and got something crappier. Lesson of the Day:

#9. Buy the best of the best when necessary. If the best just has some few additions, then there is no big reason to get it. Once you get the best, you'll never have to worry about trying to get more than what you have.

And now, a new comic!:
The damn scanner won't work with me so now I have to look for the manual. Sorry for quality for now, but things will get better. I promise. :D

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Classmates and you!

You're sitting at your desk and observing the people around you. For awhile, they start to look like a group of different types of animals all caught in a small zoo. They can be annoying and may just drive you crazy, you know that these are your classmates.
Not all classmates are terrible little bastards, some may be friends that can be a real lifesaver when you get into a sticky situation. So choose your allies carefully, as some may betray you or will start to depend on you and interupt what ever you are doing.

Ok, so I've classified the various types of classmates into these catagories:

The Talker: These are the ones that socialize occasionally. They have machine-gunned mouths that speak faster than the speed of sound. It's almost impossible to keep up with them in a conversation.

The Class Clown: These aren't so bad after awhile but some jokes tend to repeat themselves and therefore becomes annoying. Some may provide some good entertainment for a boring, monotous classroom.

The Kiss Ass: They are the ones that suck up to the teacher in order to get good grades. They will usually try to involve the teacher in their projects to make it look like they actually care for the teacher.

The Intelligents: They are pretty good as long as they won't rub anything in your face for any higher grades than yours. They can prove themselves to be valuable allies to assist you with any problems you have in class.

The Smart Ass: A little bit like the intelligents but these people will bitch about every small little detail that need to be corrected. Most people tend to flame these guys..

The Idiot: These people just don't care about anything. They're F-ups. Just don't do anything for them. They're very dependable on those who are smart, but shy and weak.

The Asshole: Some of them act like they're your friends when really you have no idea who they are. Some may even be obsesssed with touching you, like on your hair, and trying to put their arm around you to make it seem like you're buddies with them. No one knows that kind of person? Just me? Oh, ok. >_> <_<

The Shy and Weaks: They usually don't talk very much. Really, they're quite harmless...for now. Don't hesistate for a moment that they might become serial killers.

The Average: These are the kinds of people that are sometimes kings of all kings. They have the utmost respect from sometimes everyone. They do try to do their best and may not always get the highest score, but still are always cool with everyone. It's alright to be friends with one, but don't praise them or you might become their bitch.

And this leads to my conclusion that is The Lesson of the Day:

#8. Be independent. Don't give to that peer pressure and do things that make you crazy just to fit in. Don't just go along with it or you become weak and vulnerable. Stand up for yourself and give that kick into the balls.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Celebrities and their status

You know, you've seen them. You've watched them sing, dance, act, and make complete fools of themselves on national television. Of course, I'm talking about celebrities. There are only a handful of them that really infuriate me and those are the ones that have such a large ego, that it crushes all of those who praise them beneath it. These are the celebrites that will do absolutely anything to stay on the A list. What's so special about this list? Why must this determine the value of celebrites? A terrible error in the film industry which I hope will be obliterated for all time. The fans are alright as long as they don't step over the line. Fanatics are the true problem when it comes to celebrities. They are the ones that treat them like gods and don't believe they can be anything like the celebrities with high status. They have no soul. They are unable to tolerate others and therefore must be avoided. In my opinion, I don't think celebrities that always choose Hollywood are true celebrities since they are just in it for the reputation and money. It is my dream to become an independent filmmaker until Hollywood decides to have some orginatlity for once in awhile. I do look up to people like Kevin Smith, Mel Brooks, and Stanley Kubrick, but I don't worship them. I want to prove to myself and maybe others that I can be amongst the greats, however far away that may be. The one other thing I hate about the media is those cheezy teen pop magazines the pry into celebrities lives and try to reveal a fake shocking news that make celebrities look bad. They tend to forget that they are people too and they make mistakes just as anyone else. It's also interesting to see how easily fanatics are made fun of. Remember that one crying girl from American Idol? (not that I watch the show anyways >_> <_<) Such an easy target to flame and burn on the media, internet, ....this could go on. Today's lesson of the day:

#7. Don't go crazy over celebrites. You'd only make youself lower than they are. Celebrities are people too.

As for a treat, here's a video I once made at summer camp a year ago:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Swear Words.

Most of us know the whole alphabet of swear words. I won't go into detail here as I won't tempt to offend anyone. Personally, I like swear words. Let's face it, it's very hard to go on without every speaking a swear word. They're one of the easiest ways to release anger without any physical harm involved. Plus they just make so many things so damn funny. Ironically, I swear less often than I usually do in real life. I just don't have that much of a need to use them, plus I'd rather use them in appropriate situations. The only thing I truly despise about them is the racial slurs and when someone makes a large amount of use of them that they make up every word in the sentence. Ex." F*** this motherf***ing f***er!". It get annoying and old after awhile. The best way to use them is mixing them up with real actual english words. I don't ask for much, but it'd be nice to hear a sentence that makes sense. This only applies to the people who uses them excessively. In a way, it's like drinking beer (for adults), it's ok to use them once awhile but excessive use could get you screwed. Lesson of the Day:

#6. Use swear words with caution. Don't go overboard with their use, as some people might look down upon them.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Old against the young....

As I came home from summer school today, I was on the bus next to some girl about 14-ish years old and a guy next to her who was about 25-ish old. They were arguing about who should have the right to move farther back to the bus to let others come in. To me, the girl had presented a good point on why the hell is a 25-ish year old guy arguing with someone who is younger than him and trash-talking her? He was saying, and I quote, " Y'all are lucky that you ain't 18 years old." in some gangster poser manner. I swear he was one of the most dumb-shit retards I've ever know. Scratch that, there are actual mentally disabled people who have proven themselves smarter than that idiot. It amazes me how even the young can prove themselves to be smarter than those who are older. Just to be clear, I had no idea who this girl was but I was just overhearing the conversation next to me. As for the lesson of the day:

#5: If you get into an arguement with someone who is younger than you, make sure you know what you are talking about or you may have put yourself into a lower position than them.

P.S. You know, I'm not sure why I keep writing these blog updates, knowing that only Ed reads them for now, and I do appreciate that (Thanks man). Maybe it's just that I like writing and have a need to express them. I'll see. As for the comics, I'm just getting a bit lazy with them, but I do have some old ones that I've made. I need to re-draw them in pen on paper so they'll be clearer to see.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sports and more! Part 1

So I just had my fencing class today (beginner's class) and I must say that I am getting very into it. It's a tricky sport and takes much coordination. Of course, with every sport comes some douche who thinks he/she's better than everyone, even when they've only started the beginner's class. I don't have one in my fencing class though but they're very quite common in most sports teams. Then there is the kid with the steroids who the coach unusually has feelings for. It's best to avoid these kind of people as they will someday be arrested for illegal use of the drug and will be brutally raped in prison. The lesson of the day:

4. Whenever you're in a sport team, be a sport and play by the rules. Don't be an asshole. The biggest loss you can have in a game is when your teammates betray you for having the wrong attitude.

A new irrelevant comic to the topic for the day, made for my friend, Ed. Just because I hate bitchy principals:

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Silly Youtubers!

Most of us on the web, of course, know about the infamous video sharing site known as Youtube. And with video sharing comes just terrible videos made by some people into some weird shit. Among these are some popular ones who usually update their videos weekly or daily. Of course, I'm taking about people like lonelygirl15, Lisa Nova (not that bad actually), and Daxflame. They are piss poor actors who have somehow made their way into fame by some dumb-struck viewers who actually praise them as if they're some freakin' god. I flame them because they're not themselves and turn into someone they're not. Unless that's what they really feel and say, then that makes them retarded and full of shit. I do tend to ignore these people and would rather view something worthwhile seeing with some, I don't know, people with real experience! Have most youtubers just gone completely insane?! Are they on some crack while taking dips of LSD? I don't understand it. Here are 2 new lessons for the day:

2. If you plan to create a video of yourself on youtube, say what you really mean and grow up. Youtube was meant for older people, not pre-teens, not kids under 12. No, it was for teens and up.

3. Never read any of the comments to a video that isn't yours. Most likely it will end in some stupid argument over a small matter. If you can't resist and must absolutely be involved, do not stoop to their level. As I recall a great saying, arguing over the internet is like being in the special olmpics, it doesn't matter if you win, you're still retarded.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Emos! Damn them!

Personally, I truly abhor them. Some people act like they're some whole damn race of people and think they're so damn great. Give me a break. All they do is just bitch about how the world isn't good enough for them. They don't have anything better to do with their lives than cut words of hatred into their skin already knowing it's not going to make anything any better for them. I honestly have no idea what some people see in them that make them seem so attractive. Is it that they take on the rebel side? Hell no. They're simply posers wearing black mascara and grow very long hair that they can't even see what's in front of them. Lesson of the Day:

1. Don't be an emo. Avoid them at all costs.

Remember:No REAL person likes an emo.

A new comic! Sorry for crappy quality. I try to fix my scanner soon.


Welcome to my site! Here I share my thoughts, feelings, and opinions about the world and beyond. I also share some life lessons I've learned that should, and will, help you out with suriving in this world of ours. I occasionally do draw up a comic, just because I like drawing. :D Anyone is free to comment on any of my posts and I will treat them in a respectable manner as best I can. Anyways, read and enjoy!